Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 11/30/07 06:44
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Bergamot <bergamot@visi.com> writing
in news:5r87k6F13chkmU1@mid.individual.net:
> Travis Newbury wrote:
>> As a tool for a website, validation is useful. As a goal it is
>> meaningless.
> You got that right. Validated code only means there aren't any syntax
> errors. Logic errors are something else altogether. Common sense often
> seems to be in short supply where web stuff is concerned. :)
I told my friend today that I use Opera's speech to test with. She was
surprised, until I explained that you can look at something 50 times and
not see the mistake, but when you _hear_ it, you notice it right away.
Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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