Posted by Alexey Kulentsov on 09/30/64 11:22
Stephen Oakes wrote:
> I am developing a site which will be very dynamic. Most of the displayed
> content will come from a database (MySql) via PHP.
> The question is how do I make sure it performs well?
1. All pages are generated by 404 script. First time page is generated,
second time it's just a static page.
2. When you change your data, engine must delete from disk generated
pages which depends on this data. For each class you need method
returned list of URL to delete if this object is changed.
3. When you develop design have in mind this approach. Separately
changed objects in database must be presented by separately cached
objects in URL space. For example in you make shop don't insert HTML
code with current basket info right to page with product info. It must
be _separate_ object: iframe, frame, included javascript file, etc... In
this case you can make product info page static. And it will be
regenerated only when product is changed.
Lazy way.
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