Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/03/07 04:42
adam.timberlake@gmail.com wrote:
> I've just finished reading the article below which goes into some
> depth about exceptions. The article was rather lucid and so I
> understand how to implement it all, the thing I'm having trouble with
> though is why would I need to them? For example, I could suppress my
> functions using the @ sign and then use an if statement to check if
> they returned false or not. Similarly, I can also return various
> integers, like -4 and -5 for errors, and check those.
> Article: http://www.talkphp.com/showthread.php?t=1478
> As you can see, the article gives some reasons why, but I don't think
> it's quite convinced me that exceptions are the way to go. I thought
> maybe they'd introduce a lot more into the error handling side of
> things, but I think I am mistaken. Unless I am overlooking something?
Exceptions have the advantage you don't have to keep checking return
values. They allow you to handle the error where handling makes the
most sense, instead of where the error occurs.
Without them, you need to test the return code from every function call,
and if you can't handle it here, return another bad return code to your
caller. And so on back.
Additionally, if you call multiple functions and need them all to work,
you end up with a maze of if/else statements. You don't need them with
exceptions; just put everything within a try block; if it all works,
fine. If not, the appropriate catch block will be called for you.
For simple scripts, exceptions probably aren't needed. But as your
scripts get more complicated, exceptions become more useful.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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