Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/03/07 14:17
Oliver Grätz wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle schrieb:
>>> The other way round, if someone wants to
>>> find an input to reproduce a certain hash in order to get into a system
>>> where only the encoded password is known and cannot be changed, then ANY
>>> of the inputs will work so IT DOESN'T MATTER if he gets "abc" or
>>> "ksfjlksahoh3ndskjvcn" as an answer.
>> And no, it doesn't matter which one the user uses to get into the
>> system. Which is why my comment that it is only useful for recreating
>> known hash values.
> Then don't respond to ME who suggested the reverse lookup approach for
> the already stated applications but to THE ORIGINAL POSTER.
> OLLi
You're the one who suggested a reverse lookup was valid for recreating
the original values, not the poster. That's why I responded to you -
because it's not useful for that.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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