Posted by Bone Ur on 12/04/07 02:05
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 00:05:58 GMT
dorayme scribed:
>> Thanks for expressing this so clearly. I am in the middle of stripping
>> the slash from my hobby site as we speak and cursing myself for not
>> /thinking/ about what I was doing.
> Don't curse yourself. It is useful to ask people every kind of
> question, including ones you could answer yourself with some
> effort. It avoids having to so often deal with self; this latter
> can get a bit depressing and causes a dampening of the motivation
> to help oneself.
People who talk to themselves are nut cases
> People sometimes react badly to some questions
> because they (including myself sometimes) do not have the correct
> human social model in mind.
Yes, I always check with my social model before I react badly.
> In other words, Andrew, do not take to chemical mood lifters,
> come on here anytime... <g>
True. It's more psychedelic, anyway.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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