Posted by scoots987 on 12/04/07 18:06
Hi all,
I have an existing table(Several actually) that I want to add a column
or two or three. I need to have, I think, at least two columns. One
for Created date and believe this is a no brainer in that I just add
the column and set the default to getdate(). Two, for tracking a
modified date of the row of data. I want to keep it simple. What do I
do to track the modify date of a row in SQL Server 2005? Anytime any
data changes on a row update the update column? Is a trigger the only
way to accomplish this task?
Another column could be used to track who changed it. Is there a neat
way to determine username, machine name, MAC address or any other
method? I pretty wide open on this one as I am not sure what I want to
use here.
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