Posted by AnrDaemon on 12/05/07 16:01
Greetings, John.
In reply to Your message dated Wednesday, December 5, 2007, 15:31:49,
> Finally I succeeded in connecting to the database. As you mentioned I edited
> the PHP.ini which was not read. Copying the file to the windows directory
> made the connection work.
You did that the worst available way.
What You should do actually, is to point PHP to right INI location.
There's some ways to do that depends on what scripting engine You using.
In Apache (both handler and filter SAPI) -
<IfModule php5_module>
php_admin_value extension_dir "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32/ext"
PHPIniDir "C:/usr/sbin/php-5.2.2-Win32"
Sincerely Yours, AnrDaemon <anrdaemon@freemail.ru>
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