Posted by Montgomery BOO...URNS on 07/29/05 06:59
"rf" <@invalid.com> wrote in message
> Rincewind wrote:
>> And you seem to assume that everyone who views your page does it on a
>> 17inch monitor. So it looks even worse on a smaller screen.
> Er, what would the physical size of the monitor in inches have to do with
> anything?
> Surely a more appropriate dimension to consider would be the number of
> pixels the browsers viewport occupies.
> Hint: One of my computer "monitors" is ten feet wide. Yes, feet. 120
> inches.
> Three metres. However it is quite old and only shines 800x600 pixels on
> the
> lounge room wall.
> Message to the OP (if you audit alt.html as well as those other
> crossposted
> groups which my ISP does not carry):
> On the above monitor your navigation is below the fold and so may well be
> missed by the casual visitor.
> Resize *your* browser window to 800x600 and look. No navigaion, just a
> couple of contact links. Ho hum... moves on to the next site, having not
> bothered to scroll down.
I have taken all of that into consideration. The monitor resolution is very
important when it comes to web design.
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