Posted by Ben C on 12/08/07 10:21
On 2007-12-08, Jukka K. Korpela <jkorpela@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
> Scripsit dorayme:
>> In article <13lk24lbuu3trd4@corp.supernews.com>,
>> mbstevens <NOXwebmasterx@xmbstevensx.com> wrote:
> - -
>>> Validaton by the HTML validator
>>> is about well formedness only, without a model (interpretation).
>> Right.
> Wrong.
> Before digging yourselves deeper into a hole of confusion, consider
> learning what (markup) validation is, before writing treatises on it.
To be fair the treatises weren't about markup validation or confused.
> Both "valid" and "well-formed" are strictly defined terms, and quite
> different from each other.
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