Posted by "-k." on 11/06/03 11:22
--- Bruce Gilbert <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to get a form to work integrating html
> with PHP.
I see a couple problems...
This line:
> if ($POST['sender_email'] =="") {
Should probably be:
if ($_POST['sender_email'] =="") {
Note the underscore in $_POST
Same thing here:
> if ($POST['message'] =="") {
Should probably be:
> if ($_POST['message'] =="") {
You are getting errors here:
$msg .="Senders Name: $_POST['senders_name']\n";
$msg .="Senders E-MAIL: $_POST['senders_email']\n";
$msg .="Senders Name: $_POST['message']\n\n";
$to ="";
$subject = "There has been a disturbance in the Force";
$mailheaders .="Reply-To: $_POST['sender_email']\n";
You can't echo out the post vars like that these lines need to look like:
$msg .="Senders Name: ".$_POST['senders_name']."\n";
$msg .="Senders E-MAIL: ".$_POST['senders_email']."\n";
$msg .="Senders Name: ".$_POST['message']."\n\n";
$to ="";
$subject = "There has been a disturbance in the Force";
$mailheaders .="Reply-To: ".$_POST['sender_email']."\n";
It sounds like the error on line 58 (whatever that is) is probably something similar to the last
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