Posted by mkarja on 12/19/07 14:42
On 19 joulu, 00:59, "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4...@centralva.net>
> mkarja wrote:
> > Anybody have any idea about the images not showing correctly?
> > Can it be apache problem that the images only show from top a bit
> > and the rest is all grey. Images that fit the screen show up fine.
> No, not that I can think of. Sounds like the image is corrupted. If the
> image data is truncated the image is sized in the header so you will get
> the image displayed as far as you have data, but the grey or other
> neutral color for the rest here the data is missing. This is observable
> when you stop loading a web page in a browser when an image is only
> partially downloaded. When you uploaded the image to the server, if you
> used FTP, make sure you are in binary and not ascii mode...
> --
> Take care,
> Jonathan
> -------------------
> LITTLE WORKS STUDIOhttp://www.LittleWorksStudio.com
The image files are on my computer and when I open them in some
image viewer app they are fine, so I don't "upload" them anywhere,
I've just copied them to the directory. Oh, and it's windows machine.
A friend of mine suggested that the images are too big, that the
timesout when it tries to load them.
The images are quite big, around 3 megs, but they should still load.
It really doesn't take that much time to load up the page, when I open
the site in browser from my own computer.
You are right though about that it sounds like they just stop loading.
- miKa
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