Posted by Michael Fesser on 12/19/07 20:21
Just for fun (I know, don't feed the trolls) ...
..oO(Onideus Mad Hatter)
>On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 15:03:52 +0200, Sir Robin
>>Hell, even today _most_ of the webpages of big corporations who you
>>would not think to give a shit about lynx, links or older versions of
>>dillo for example ARE viewable and usable with these browsers if you,
>>for some reason, have nothing else available for browsing their pages.
>Actually you moron, those sites that do degrade to a fall back version
>(like my primary site) are meant for Blackberries and other hand held
>systems...Lynx doesn't ever even enter the equation.
>>So what would be good enough reason to shut the door from users who
>>have a browser with no suppoer for javascript or javascript disabled?
>...the fact that such a browser doesn't exist.
Wrong, as usual.
>I mean you can try and
>claim Lynx...but uh...Lynx isn't really a web browser by today's
>standards...it's just not.
Wrong again. Lynx is more standards-compliant than IE.
>Trying to surf the Internet with Lynx
>would be like trying to surf the Internet with a Commodore 64.
Nope, it's like surfing from the POV of a search engine.
>Simply put...there's no reason at ALL why you should have javascript
Wrong again. The heavy abuse of JS on many websites is reason enough to
disable or at least restrict it.
>and pretty much almost no one does (aside from a few fruit
>loops who think it's like some evul government plot to infect their
>dumbass with SARS or whatever). And if you're looking at your web
>stats and seeing numbers like 5 to 10% having it
You can't reliably see that from any stats.
>...yeah...check the agent string you dumbfuck, THOSE ARE BOTS!
>Dum, dum, dum, dum...
Actually, providing accessible and usable websites is for people who
have something to say. So don't worry, it's not an issue for you, kiddy.
>>Oh well, when it comes to reality, I would not do this at all... I
>>would create a page that will look good on graphical and text-based
>>clients - from the most packed-up ones to those that support only what
>>is absolutely necessary to show a html-page (ie. lynx).
>Lynx is a DEAD browser that reached its peak more than a DECADE ago.
That's not the point. Such browsers show whether a website is usable or
just binary garbage. If it doesn't work in Lynx, the site is crap. It's
that simple.
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