Posted by Tarscher on 12/21/07 14:28
On 21 dec, 15:22, Captain Paralytic <paul_laut...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 21 Dec, 13:56,Tarscher<tarsc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 21 dec, 14:02, Captain Paralytic <paul_laut...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> So here is my guess.
> Assuming that you have a table events and a table people, I would have
> a link table events_people. I would not call it attendee as it ontains
> both attendees and non-attendees.
> The query would be something like:
> e.event,
> ep.status
> FROM events e
> LEFT JOIN events_people ep USING(event_id)
> WHERE ep.person_id = {my_person_id}
I think your aproach is indeed better than having an attendee table
(which name is indeed not that well choisen)
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