Posted by Sir Robin on 12/21/07 09:21
On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 12:10:50 -0800, Onideus Mad Hatter
<usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>>Indeed - personally I havent found a single - not a single - reason to
>>use (and requite support of it from the users web-client) javascript
>>on a webpage that is worth of loss of the users there will be.
>>Can someone give me one? Just one?
>You're a moron...but please, stay that way...less competition for
>those like myself. ^_^
Bad answer.
That, were it true, would not be a reason to user javascript but
rather an explanation for why I would be using it...
>>Hell, even today _most_ of the webpages of big corporations who you
>>would not think to give a shit about lynx, links or older versions of
>>dillo for example ARE viewable and usable with these browsers if you,
>>for some reason, have nothing else available for browsing their pages.
>Actually you moron, those sites that do degrade to a fall back version
>(like my primary site) are meant for Blackberries and other hand held
>systems...Lynx doesn't ever even enter the equation.
Never mind what they are "meant for" when the point is that they "are"
>>So what would be good enough reason to shut the door from users who
>>have a browser with no suppoer for javascript or javascript disabled?
>...the fact that such a browser doesn't exist. I mean you can try and
>claim Lynx...but uh...Lynx isn't really a web browser by today's
>standards...it's just not.
With no respect to other writer and opinions like these beeing spewed
out as a holy truth, you really are not very fun...
>Trying to surf the Internet with Lynx
>would be like trying to surf the Internet with a Commodore 64.
Nope, actually if you compare lynx to a web browser that comes with
Contiki C-64 version (well, that's the only web browser I know that
exists for C-64 anyway...) you will find Lynx to be rather like a
smooth tiger.
>And Lynx certainly is NOT the browser of choice for blind people, who
>often use Internet Explorer along with the Windows screen reader (good
>'ol Sam).
I have no claims about this.
>>>Granted, there are times that javascript is just what needs to be. A
>>>client wants a horizontal drop down menu - it can be done in FF with
>>>just css but not IE, so a small js program is needed.
>>In which case (btw, I never do drop down menus on webpages)
>Of course you don't, you seem very much to be an "Amish of the
>Internet". I'm entirely certain the whole idea of a drop down menu
>just scares the living shit out of you, huh?
You are getting better towards the end =)))) LOL
>>I would
>>use a simple php script to provide a page with javascript for those
>>whose browser tells them to be IE and the normal version for
>...you have no idea how fucking stupid that makes you sound, do you?
Do continue...
>>Oh well, when it comes to reality, I would not do this at all... I
>>would create a page that will look good on graphical and text-based
>>clients - from the most packed-up ones to those that support only what
>>is absolutely necessary to show a html-page (ie. lynx).
>Lynx is a DEAD browser that reached its peak more than a DECADE ago.
>It's not relevant AT ALL at this point (besides being used as a
>failing crutch for morons like you to try and support your Amish
>inspired stupidity).
yada yada yada, babble babble babble...
Please, do send me more of your entertainment =))) I'm loving it.
***/--- Sir Robin (aka Jani Saksa) Bi-Sex and proud of it! ---\***
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