Posted by epicoxymoron on 12/24/07 05:55
You close your parentheses before you close your quote
On Dec 23, 5:11 pm, William Colls <will...@procomsys.com> wrote:
> I am trying to build a script which wiil receive some user input, and
> submit the information via POST to a second procedure, which does some
> validations. If the validations fail, the original procedure is
> recalled, but this time the user should see an error message. The
> following fragment illustrates:
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Client Maintenance</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <p><b>Add/Update a Client</b></p>
> <form action="clientmaint.php" method="post">
> <?php
> if(isset($_POST['stts']))
> {
> if($_POST['stts'] == "miss")
> {
> print("<p>You MUST provide at least a <b>telephone number</b><br>or
> a <b>surname</b></p>)";
> }}
> ?>
> </form>
> </body>
> </html>
> What is actually happening is that everything from the "You" onward is
> being displayed by the client, on the first pass. So I'm getting on the
> client:
> Add/Update a Client
> You MUST provide at least a telephone number
> or a surname)"; } } ?>
> on the first pass, when the $_POST{'stts'] variable should not be set.
> I am sure this is a really simple problem for an expert. If any one can
> suggest how to get this to behave, I will be truely greatful, even unto
> half my kingdom (which if you really care amounts to about $0.50).
> Thanks all.
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