Posted by Neredbojias on 12/26/07 18:24
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 11:08:52
GMT Paul scribed:
> Have you noted, now the object of those junk mails doesn't no more
> contain the whole words "MI5 Persecution", but the single letters
> separated by commas or spaces and so on.
> In this way we can't block them using the filters on those words as we
> have made in these days....
> Our fellow wants that we must receive his messages....
> Paul
Yes, "our fellow" is an asshole. Of course, we knew that already. It's
best to ignore him, and, at least with my newsreader, it's quite easy to
delete his crap ad hoc.
Btw, the obfuscations currently deployed are easily handled by regexs.
Naturally, however, the asshole could again compensate for successes in
that direction. (Maybe. <grin>)
Riches are their own reward.
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