Posted by Brian on 07/29/05 17:37
"Stefan Rybacki" <stefan.rybacki@gmx.net> wrote in message
> Brian wrote:
>> Stefan wrote:
>>>>>Read about foreign kyes
>>>> foreign keys in MySQL?
>>>Yes supported in InnoDBs. You should have a look at CASCADE ...
>> I might be missing something here, but I have done the following though a
>> PHPMyAdmin
>> on my server.
>> ALTER TABLE advertlibrary TYPE = InnoDB
>> ALTER TABLE profiles TYPE = InnoDB
>> (can't use ENGINE = INNODB as
>> ALTER TABLE advertlibrary ADD FOREIGN KEY (filename) REFERENCES profiles
>> (filename1)
>> No errors came back
> Thats fine, since myISAM tables just ignore FOREIGN KEY declarations and
> don't use them
>> then I ran
>> DELETE FROM advertlibrary WHERE filename = '1122246317.jpg'
>> It deleted it from advertlibrary table but not form the profiles table,
>> have i missed something here?
> Yes you have had to add a ON DELETE CASCADE statement (see the manual),
> but it won't work on myISAM either.
>> and I tried
>> ALTER TABLE t2sadvertlibrary ADD FOREIGN KEY (filename) REFERENCES
>> t2sprofiles (filename1) ON DELETE CASCADE
> Oh ok, you got it ;)
>> then
>> DELETE FROM advertlibrary WHERE filename = '1122246317.jpg'
>> Still did not work
> As I said, its because of the myISAM tables
>> Brian
I have just heard from my hosting company, and because it's a sheared server
do not support INNODB, so I'm back to the beginning, what's the best way to
do what
I need 2 do on a myISAM table?
Once again, thanks for your help and still open to suggestions
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