Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/27/07 14:01
Steve wrote:
> "Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
> news:tqvcl3t38ndk471vucmckqe69anu2nh0aq@4ax.com...
>> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 17:25:48 +1030, Michael
>> <michael_j@pythontech.net.au> wrote:
>>> Chilly8 wrote:
>>>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>>>> news:0v2dnWmDBPFamsvanZ2dnUVZ_j-dnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>>>> It appears that by simply blocking incoming traffic from the networks
>>>>>> of three data centers around the world has stopped it. I have only see
>>>>>> one "phony" registration all day, coming from China. Blocking all
>>>>>> traffic from inHoster in Ukraine, Keymachine in Germany, and
>>>>>> FDC servers in Chicago has pretty much stopped the porn bots.
>>>>> For now. But how many legitimate users might you be blocking, also?
>>>>> Blocking an entire range of addresses is almost never the right answer.
>>>>> Just the expedient one.
>>>> I doubt I would be blocking any legitimate users, as those sites I
>>>> mentioned
>>>> are all server colocation facilities. It appears that somoene has
>>>> compromised
>>>> all the machines at least two of those server farms. It might be
>>>> possible
>>>> that
>>>> some users, trying to use a proxy from work to acoid detection by the
>>>> boss, might be affected by blocking FDC servers, since a couple of
>>>> popular anonymity services use FDC for their server needs, but
>>>> beyond that, I don't think many legitimate users will be affected, but
>>>> there really is no other answer to the problem.
>>> With your logic, why don't you block the entire internet... you know,
>>> seeing a majority of spam comes from the internet and all.
>>> Granted this is where your spam is coming from RIGHT NOW, it wont be in
>>> a few weeks time. But thats okay, you will just block those IPs as well!
>>> When you have thousands of blocked IP ranges, are you going to
>>> periodically check them, to see if they have been re-allocated to some
>>> poor ISP?
>>> It is your site, but you should really consider other options.
>>> - Michael
>> Well, I for one don't really give a fuck. I mean if he wants to cut
>> off his nose to spite his face...let him. Further if you and he are
>> ever applying for a job and the interviewer asks for examples of sites
>> you've done that employ spam prevention techniques...guess which one
>> of you is gonna get the job?
> dude, jerry teaches. that means his job is not dependant on first-hand
> knowledge of the pitfalls of making bad decisions. he gets to research and
> reherse what he's going to say (theoretically) works. he's probably a good
> teacher. as for pragmatism and solutions that require inventiveness, he's
> not your guy. i doubt he will ever enter the cut-throught world of
> consulting again...outside of teaching. that's despite the fact that he is a
> competent developer.
ROFLMAO! Try again, troll. I do more programming in a week than you do
in a year.
>> And really, in his case, I don't think it's a matter of him "not
>> liking" catcha images so much as he simply has no level of skill and
>> therefore does not comprehend how to even setup such a system
>> (especially not with whatever prefab cookie cutter piece of shit
>> Webbie board he's ripped off). He probably could have gotten better
>> help (as far as his actual situation) if he told everyone right from
>> the start that he had no coding ability and was simply using a
>> template jobbie.
> again, omh, having said all those harsh things about jerry...i am still
> convenced that the league he's in and the league you're in are seperated by
> light-years. in fact, your skill level is demonstratively lower than than a
> person, having no computer skills at all, perusing barnes and noble and just
> picked up a 'beginning php' book to gloss over it...and not just for the
> simple fact that he can read it.
ROFLMAO! Don't even understand the subject, loser.
> and as for your 6% of the visitors to your site, it's sad. 100% of the
> visitors to your site are the imaginary entities in your head...and you've
> got disention in the ranks. ROFL.
At least you got that right.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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