Posted by zara on 12/28/07 01:57
On Dec 27, 6:28 pm, "Paul" <orelieteNOS...@NOSPAMtiscali.it> wrote:
> I have made this button as sample
> http://www.tortebomboniere.com/button01.html
> If I use Windows Internet Explorer, the whole area of button is clickable.
> If I use Mozilla Firefox, only the link inside the area is clickable.
> Why? Is it possible change the codes to make clickable the whole area using
> Mozilla?
> Thanks
> Paul
That's not a button, it's a table. You *could* anchor the entire
table, but that wouldn't be correct (works in my browser, but would
probably break many others). That means placing <a href> and </a>
outside the table.
You really should use CSS instead. Just Google out "css buttons" and
you'll have all the info you need.
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