Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/28/07 02:32
halamazoo wrote:
> I'm trying to create the necessary framework to allow users to log
> into my website. I have already created the backend using a MySQL
> database. The part that I'm hung up on is being able to pass the
> username from one page to the next. I've been reading about sessions,
> and I can get them to work if I embed the SID into the URL, but I
> really dislike that method. I've read that cookies can be used
> instead, but I cannot get these to work. I've been changing values
> like session.use_only_cookies = 1, session.save_handler = files,
> session.save_path = "C:\Temp", etc. but none of them are helping. I
> can see the files being created in C:\Temp, and they are populated
> with the username that I'm assigning to $_SESSION['username'], but
> it's not available on the next page. I'm running Apache 2 and PHP
> 5.2.5 on a Windows XP SP2 Home machine. Any ideas?
First thing - edit your php.ini file to enable error reporting for all
errors and display the errors:
(leave the second one off in a production environment).
See what errors you get.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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