Posted by Gregory Machin on 10/21/02 11:22
please could you advise..
I'm trying to prase a column in a table, to grep each field's contens,
one contains a web page, and there are about 1000 pages in the column,
thus they have to be one at a time
so as not to over load the server /php ..
the script below , gets an array of the table id's then using this
array gets the total number of fields from the array. Thus geting the
field to be grep'ed them grep'ing it then writing it back then moving
on to the next field.
this is the out put from the echo's
with the full code below.
Many Thanks in advance.
SELECT idtemp FROM temp;0
query 2 SELECT file_content FROM temp WHERE idtemp = '1'
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string,
array given in /var/www/html/update_filecontent.php on line 36
query 3 UPDATE temp SET file_content = 'hello' WHERE idtemp = '1';
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/html/update_filecontent.php on line 24
query 2 SELECT file_content FROM temp WHERE idtemp = ''
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/html/update_filecontent.php on line 40
query 3 UPDATE temp SET file_content = 'hello' WHERE idtemp = '';
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/html/update_filecontent.php on line 24
query 2 SELECT file_content FROM temp WHERE idtemp = ''
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/html/update_filecontent.php on line 40
query 3 UPDATE temp SET file_content = 'hello' WHERE idtemp = '';
include './db_connection.inc';
// base line variables for testing
$table = 'temp'; // the database name
$column = 'file_content'; // the column within the the above table /
$index = 'idtemp'; // the name of the id field within the above table
$regy = '<\?php.*require.*header1.*\?>'; //regex used to carry out the replace
$replace = ' '; // code to be inserted
stepper($regy, $replace, $index, $table, $column);
function stepper ($regy, $replace, $index, $table, $column ) { // used
to parse $column... and carry out the updates
$query = "SELECT ". $index ." FROM ".$table.";"; // get an array
holding $index the column id.
echo $query;
$result = mysql_query($query) or die( mysql_error());
$i = 0;
$index_Array = mysql_fetch_array($result); // push the 'id' array
into an array varray variable
While ($i < mysql_num_rows($result)) { // get number of rows, and
assocated row id array
echo $i."</br>";
$query2 = "SELECT ". $column ." FROM ". $table ." WHERE ".$index."
= '". $index_Array[$i] ."'";
// query2 selects the field in the column containing the
required strings
//to be grep'ed and up dated
echo "query 2 ".$query2 . "</br>";
//echo $query2."</br>"; //for testing
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die( mysql_error());
$query_row = mysql_fetch_row($result2);
$regex_input = $query_row;
//echo $regex_input; //for testing
$regex_ouput = preg_replace($regy, $replace, $regex_input);
$sql_input = mysql_real_escape_string($regex_ouput);
//echo $sql_input;
//echo $regex_ouput; //for testing'
$query3 = "UPDATE ".$table." SET " . $column . " = 'hello' WHERE
".$index." = '". $index_Array[$i]."';";
echo "query 3 " .$query3."</br>";
//$result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die( mysql_error());
Gregory Machin
Web Hosting Solutions
Scalable Linux Solutions
www.iberry.info (support and admin)
www.goeducation (support and admin)
+27 72 524 8096
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