Posted by ginost7 on 12/29/07 10:12
On Dec 24, 1:50 am, "Nicolas Le Gland" <nicolas.legl...@free.fr>
> Hello everyone here.
> This is my first post in this newsgroup, I hope I won't be to much
> off-topic. Feel free to redirect me to any better group.
> I am getting strange timing issues when failing to asynchronously connect
> sockets on closed or filtered ports, but I'm quite unsure if this is a PHP
> issue or my misunderstanding, as it seems that socket streams only wrap
> around <sys/socket.h>.
> I'm running the latest Windows PHP build downloaded yesterday,
> running from the command line without any configuration changed from
> default. My code is athttp://rafb.net/p/DEwN8J71.htmlwith results athttp://rafb.net/p/cnB4dC80.html
> Connecting to an open port seems consistent between synchronous and
> asynchronous sockets. Opening the socket is instantaneous, connection
> establishes in 0.17 seconds, and closing is fast.
> Connecting to a filtered port ends up with a socket timeout, but
> asynchronous socket closing blocks for 0.5 second which is quite huge. No
> network transfer was captured by Wireshark apart from the initial SYN
> packet.
> Connecting to a closed port with a synchronous socket times out, with
> several retries being sent after the server explicitly refused the
> connection with a RST ACK. Why doesn't it simply break after the first try ?
> Connecting to a closed port with an asynchronous socket takes the time of a
> single try, marking the stream as having had an except in stream_select
> after RST ACK was received. But here again, fclose()-ing the resource hangs
> for 0.5 second.
> Why is that an explicitly refused synchronous connection retries until
> timeout ? Why doesn't it cancel instantaneously ?
> Why is that closing a failed asynchronous socket takes so much time ? It is
> really losing a lot of asynchronous' interest if it hangs that long ?
> Note that if I don't explicitly fclose() the resources of failed
> asynchronous sockets, the same 0.5 seconds lag appears at the end of the
> script execution for each one. I guess PHP cleanly frees resources at
> shutdown, but it can reach several seconds when several sockets have failed.
> Is there another way than fclose() to clear asynchronous sockets ?
> Thank you for any advice.
> --
> Nicolas Le Gland
cant access your code or your results
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