Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 12/30/07 10:04
Scripsit Johnny:
> I need some help guys. I'm trying to modify a working MIDI ringtone
> uploader (HTML code) to use radio buttons rather than the standard
> "<INPUT type=>" file selector
You cannot.
> so the user doesn't have to browse and
> choose from hundreds of MIDI files or manually type the MIDI filename
> into the input box.
File input is awkward, the way it has been implemented in browsers. But
that's what you need to play with, unless you want to try something
difficult using client-side scripting, where you will probably encounter
serious problems classifiable as "security settings".
> How do I replace this:
> <INPUT type=file name=file>
You don't.
> With FOUR simple radio buttons like this:
> <input type="radio" name="song" value="song1.mid">
> <input type="radio" name="song" value="song2.mid">
> <input type="radio" name="song" value="song3.mid">
> <input type="radio" name="song" value="song4.mid">
That's just controls for selecting between four alternatives and
resulting in data like song=song1.mid added to the form data set. There
is no association with any files in the user's system. The data is just
a string of characters. Naturally, when the server receives it, it has
no way of using the data to access files in the user's system.
File input works in a different way: the browser copies the _content_ of
the selected file into the form data (possibly together with its file
name, which is usually irrelevant to the server),
> When I replace <INPUT type=file name=file> with the above radio
> buttons and try it out the server returns this error: "Upload Failed,
> Please Pickup a valid audio file".
No wonder. No audio file was sent.
> But the files are VALID they work fine using <INPUT type=file
> name=file> but not with the radio buttons. What am I missing here?´
The idea of file input. See my dusty old page on it:
> The
> MIDI's are in the same directory as the HTML file, I even tried
> changing the radio button values to the "Exact" file location ie:
> value="c:/midi/song1.mid" and it still doesn't work.
It's not supposed to work. Such a string is still just a string. No
software involved tries to interpret it as any kind of file name. If the
server tried to do that, what good would it do to access _is_ C disk (if
any)? Accessing the user's C disk would involve a horrendous security
problem (even if such access from server to client would be limited to
> I'm willing to use a drop down box instead
Not possible either.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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