Posted by mantrid on 12/30/07 16:02
> How about this for an approach?
> 1) Read the data in the order needed to compute the cumulative total.
> 2) As each row of the table is generated, do not emit it, but store the
> whole line (from <tr> to </tr>) in an array, with the the date value as
> the index. (Use yy/mm/dd format for the key, so it will sort.)
> 3) Sort the array keys into a new array.
> 4) Foreach key in new array, print the value at that index from the
> array created in step 2.
> 5) Close the table.
> That way you don't need to read the database twice.
> If your table is so large that it needs to be displayed on more than one
> page, then you will have to compute the cumulative values and store them
> in the database. Make sure the cumulative values are updated when any of
> the colC values are changed.
> Display of the sub-set required can then be accomplished with order by
> and limit clauses, and the use of SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS will tell you if
> NEXT and/PREV buttons are needed for this page.
> Regards
> Ian
Thanks Ian
This is what Ivan has also suggested on the thread on comp.lang.php. Dont
know why those messages are not showing up here on alt.comp.lang.php.
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