Posted by barmatt80 on 01/03/08 18:06
I am stumped on the error reporting with sql server. I was told i
need to return @SQLCode(code showing if successful or not) and
@ErrMsg(and the message returned). I am clueless on this.
I wrote this procedure:
[code]ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_AcceptLeaveBalance]
@Emp_SSN int,
@Annual_Forward decimal(10,2),
@Sick_Forward decimal(10,2),
@Family_Forward decimal(10,2),
@Other_Forward decimal(10,2)
EmpAnnual_Forward = IsNull(@Annual_Forward, EmpAnnual_Forward),
EmpSick_Forward = IsNull(@Sick_Forward, EmpSick_Forward),
EmpFamily_Forward = IsNull(@Family_Forward, EmpFamily_Forward),
EmpOther_Forward = IsNull(@Other_Forward, EmpOther_Forward)
I can execute the procedure using this:
[code]exec usp_AcceptLeaveBalance 123456789, 10, 10, null, 10[/code]
Sql comments that it is successful and that 0 rows are changed. I
know it shouldn't be successful because 123456789 does not refer to
any SSN.
So i am just inquring how to do the error handling and secondly I am
guessing I need to check to see if the ssn exists first.
Any suggestions or help.
I greatly appreciate it, and thanks for the help.
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