Posted by YoLed on 01/03/08 18:03
I have to work with PHP and MySQL but I'm new with this environnement.
So, I've started installing a plateform of mine. So under Windows,
Apache, PHP5 and MySQL.
All sounds right when I write a simple .php page and when I manipulate
a mysql database(s) at command line.
But, when time commes to write something simple using PHP and MySQL, I
get an error : PHP odoesn't seems to recognise a simple instruction like
Here is my code :
a db_config.php file containing :
$db_host = "localhost";
$db_user = "php";
$db_password = "f00";
$db_name = "buzzDB";
a temp_con.php file containing :
$connection = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password) or die
("error connecting");
echo "connection made";
And when I launch temp_con.php in the framework of the local webserver
(say http://dev-server/mysql_test/temp_con.php), I got this error
message in the web browser :
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in Y:\4Apache
\vhosts\dev\htdocs\mysql_test\temp_con.php on line 3"
What's happens ? What should I do ? Is there something missing in the
PHP config to be able to use MySQL commands ?
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