Posted by GTalbot on 01/04/08 01:22
On 2 jan, 08:30, jodleren <sonn...@hot.ee> wrote:
> On Dec 23 2007, 4:14 pm, Rob Waaijenberg <robwaaijenb...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> Here you are:http://panbaltica.com/sandpit/test/test.htm
Hello Jodleren,
You should change your doctype declaration to HTML 4.01 strict and
then correct all of the validation markup errors.
I highly and strongly recommend
Using Web Standards in your Web Pages:Making your page using web
standards - how to
Nested tables should always be avoided.
The default vertical alignment in cell is middle in all modern
browsers; so there is no need whatsoever to add valign="middle" in all
your cells.
<font> is a deprecated, old, rusted HTML element. Please upgrade. You
will find how to do all this (convert bgcolor, replace <font>, how to
validate, etc) by consulting the "Using Web Standards in your Web
Pages" link I mentioned.
All of your webpage indicates over-constraining, over-declaring, over-
formating and over-attributes-specifying. You can reduce your webpage
markup code to half of what it is easily if you read a bit and then
keep your mind open about what people are trying to tell you in this
forum newsgroup.
Regards, Gérard
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