Posted by richard on 01/05/08 14:37
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 15:17:26 +0100, "J.O. Aho" <user@example.net>
>richard wrote:
>> http://oldies.littleworldofours.com/oldieshome.htm
>> Basically, all I'm after now is to float the "red" header block to the
>> left of the menu in green.
>> Locally, the menu appears as it should but over the red block.
>> From the website, the menu does not even collapse as it should, as if
>> JS is off, but is not.
>> In FF the menu appears on the left, with JS off, the blocks float as
>> intended.
>> In IE with JS off, the menu appears to the right of the red block.
>> The actual menu itself can be found at www.4thorder.us/scripts
>> Look for the multilevel menu script.
>> Probably just missing something simple but I can't see it right now.
>I guess it may have to do with this:
>Error: PagePositionLEFT is not defined
>Source File: http://oldies.littleworldofours.com/expand1.js
>Line: 72
>are you sure you have the same version of the expand1.js on your server and
>your local machine? If unsure, take a md5sum on both files, if they differ
>then you have two different versions.
There are two JS pages that work hand in hand.
Then how exactly does positioning properly take place?
It's just an idea I'm tossin around, may not go with it.
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