Posted by Neredbojias on 01/07/08 05:18
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 00:28:16
GMT Ed Mullen scribed:
>>>> Good day, and Fuck off.
>>> I was wondering when you were going to fit that last part in. It's
>>> one of the best posts of the thread.
>> Face it, Chaddy, this thread doesn't have any "best" parts. What
>> tickles me, though, are the spam accusations. In the general sense,
>> the whole thread is spam.
> What astounds me is that, assuming he really does run a business,
> Jerry is a tad clueless as to what constitutes sensible Internet
> behavior for a businessperson. I mean, geez, the possibility that a
> customer might find such public rantings should be enough to not do
> it.
Absolutely. Furthermore, what's the point or "rush" besides argument for
argument's sake? Sure, sometimes I "poke the warthog" to get a rise
outta him, too, but when things become malicious, it's time to step back.
Even Jukka shows more savior-faire than this. <G>
> I mean, they might write to the ICCA:
> http://www.icca.org/member/memberpage.asp?id=400
> The first thing I do when hiring a contractor is Google them. If I
> found this
> http://www.google.com/search?query=JDS%20Computer%20Training%20Corp&num
> =50
> after Jerry made a sales call I sure wouldn't be doing business with
> him or his company.
> amazing.
Reading subsequent posts suggests his clients are amused by such
proceedings. I dunno...
Riches are their own reward.
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