Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/06/08 22:49
suma wrote:
> hi all...
> i have array and iwant this array to other page in URL
> let the name of array is numbers and i fill this array by loop from
> data base
> when i write this ..
> echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=reg.php?arr=
> $numbers \"> ";
> when redirect to reg page the url is
> http://localhost/reg.php?arr=Array
> and when print the variable $arr in reg page apeare Arrary word
> so ,please tell me how i can send the array ??
> thanks.
You have to send each individual element of the array. Alternatively,
you could serialize the array then urlencode it. But that can result in
large amounts of data if your array is big - maybe too much data.
You could store the contents of the array in the $_SESSION variable, but
again, if it's a lot of data this can slow you down. And if it is a lot
of data, you probably should be refetching the data from the database,
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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