Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/07/08 20:52
Jeff wrote:
> Neredbojias wrote:
>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 06 Jan 2008
>> 20:28:44 GMT Markus Stein scribed:
>>> Is there a possibility to exchange data between
>>> forms in one html document with pure html (no PHP,
>>> no server variables etc.)?
>>> Example:
>>> <html>
>>> <head>
>>> </head>
>>> <body>
>>> <!-- formular1: -->
>>> <form>
>>> <input type="text" name="inputformular1"/>
>>> <input type="submit" name="sendformular1"/>
>>> </form>
>>> <!-- formular2: -->
>>> <form>
>>> <input type="text" name="inputformular2"/>
>>> <input type="submit" name="sendformular2"/>
>>> </form>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>>> I want that if I click on the sendformular1 button
>>> the text in field inputformular1 appears in inputformular2
>>> and vice versa.
>>> Is it possible with pure html?
>> No, but you could do something with javascript. Btw, forms need an
>> "action" attribute.
> I believe that if you leave out action, most browsers will point back
> at the page URL. Not good practice though...and that certainly wouldn't
> help if it wasn't what you wanted!
It will not do what OP wishes and that is transfer and process data. You
need scripting for that. HTML is not a scripting language, it doesn't
"do" anything.
Take care,
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