Posted by Jeff on 01/07/08 21:39
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Jeff wrote:
>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 06 Jan 2008
>>> 20:28:44 GMT Markus Stein scribed:
>>>> Is there a possibility to exchange data between
>>>> forms in one html document with pure html (no PHP,
>>>> no server variables etc.)?
>>>> Example:
>>>> <html>
>>>> <head>
>>>> </head>
>>>> <body>
>>>> <!-- formular1: -->
>>>> <form>
>>>> <input type="text" name="inputformular1"/>
>>>> <input type="submit" name="sendformular1"/>
>>>> </form>
>>>> <!-- formular2: -->
>>>> <form>
>>>> <input type="text" name="inputformular2"/>
>>>> <input type="submit" name="sendformular2"/>
>>>> </form>
>>>> </body>
>>>> </html>
>>>> I want that if I click on the sendformular1 button
>>>> the text in field inputformular1 appears in inputformular2
>>>> and vice versa.
>>>> Is it possible with pure html?
>>> No, but you could do something with javascript. Btw, forms need an
>>> "action" attribute.
>> I believe that if you leave out action, most browsers will point
>> back at the page URL. Not good practice though...and that certainly
>> wouldn't help if it wasn't what you wanted!
> It will not do what OP wishes and that is transfer and process data. You
> need scripting for that. HTML is not a scripting language, it doesn't
> "do" anything.
Lets say for an example that the form is on a server page and if it
receives either post or get data it will do something with it. If not it
will display the form. That is not an unusual setup.
Note Bergamots post on action being optional in 3.2. Certainly
without a doctype it wouldn't be html 4.
It's all a minor point and I hope I won't regret bringing it up!
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