Posted by Sean on 01/08/08 23:16
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> Changing color through css is most definitely valid. I do it at my
>> site and it validates perfectly with W3C's xhtml validator and css
>> validator. Why would specifying this in css not be valid?
> You missed the point. Your <h2> inside the <a> is not valid. Sorry if my
> wording confused you.
I see what you mean. I did correct my noobish mistake, though.
> Less than a half-percent? Wow. Is this a site that only appeals to
> high-tech state-of-the-art visitors?
My site fits into that category. Most of my articles are on Linux and
technology, so I don't have to worry too much about my readers using
older versions of browsers. In fact, even IE7 only accounts for about
10% on my site (I added a signature with my site and blog on it, btw). I
know this isn't the norm, but I've grown used to writing pages without
having to worry about IE6 or *gasp* IE5.
With that in mind, I will probably frequently offer examples which may
not work in IE6. Any web author should be testing this stuff on all
browsers (and browser versions) that his visitors are using.
I apologize in advance for any future ignorance regarding IE6's
limitations and/or bugs.
> My sites are still registering (last time I looked a few weeks ago)
> around 30% for IE6. IE*5* is down 'round 0.5%.
That seems about average.
Blog: http://blog.vaxius.net
Website: http://www.vaxius.net
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