Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 01/09/08 04:21
IGot2P wrote:
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> IGot2P wrote:
>>>First, point your browser to http://www.rivervalleylodgeandcampground.com
>>>(an incomplete site I am working on) ..
>> Please read this:
>> http://k75s.home.att.net/fontsize.html
>> Thanks.
> The link is appreciated but why exactly did you send me to it?
You assigned Verdana, an overly large font, which I don't have on my
computer. I see the fallback font, as size: small. Look at the two
green-bordered sections below the heading "Verdana" on my page.
Remove Verdana from your body { } settings and see for yourself.
While I like your color scheme, you have brown-on-tan text, and there is
not enough contrast at the smaller size.
Nice lodge, by the way.
-Friends don't let friends drive Vista
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