Posted by Edward Vermillion on 07/31/05 00:35
Ryan A wrote:
> Hey,
> Heres what I am doing, I have a form where a user can enter values and in
> the form I have a FILE box so the
> user can upload her pic, if she screws up anywhere (eg: putting an alphabet
> in her date of birth) I send her back
> to the form and her date of birth gets highlighted plus the value she
> entered comes in the date of birth and also
> an error explanation underneith....so far so good.
> The problem is, if she has tried to upload a pic at the same time and
> screwed up on the date of birth I am unable
> to send back the value of the FILE box so that too get populated... I tried
> setting a VALUE="path/file" but that
> does not work.
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
As far as I know, you can't set the initial values for 'file' inputs.
It's a security thing.
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