Posted by Knowledgy on 01/09/08 20:11
Research information on joins. This includes inner joins, left outer join,
right outer join, full outer join and cross joins
John K
Knowledgy Consulting, LLC
Atlanta's Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse Experts
"info" <informatyk@fitness[CUT]authority.pl> wrote in message
> Hi,
> my query is:
> SELECT a.symbol_art,b.node_key
> FROM artykuly a, art_podz b
> WHERE a.symbol_art=b.symbol_art
> ------------- -------------------
> table: artykuly table art_pod
> a.symbol_art b.symbol_art
> AA-0001 AA-0001 = record ok
> AA-0002 NULL = >>>>>>>>> I want to view
> diference records symbol_art in two tables
> How select all a.symbol_art where in table art_podz b.symbol_art is no
> exists?
> tnx.
> Tom
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