Posted by Anthony Levensalor on 01/10/08 09:44
On 1/10/2008 4:01 AM, Diogenes wrote:
> Anthony Levensalor wrote:
>> Myth #2:
>> > Javascript is client side programming
>> Fact #2:
>> Javascript runs on both the client and the server
> Anthony,
> This logic is so silly, that there is nothing more I can add.
Is it, now? Well, what if I could give you a bit of explanation before
your arrogance blinds you completely.
SSJS is called so because the language was /originally/ limited to th
client side.
However when Netscape released LiveWire in 1996, it carried over to the
server side.
Golly gee, let's see, could there be any credible projects or
applications using such a silly thing as SSJS?
What about ASP, JSP, AppJet, jsext, firecat, Junction, Zimki, Whitebeam,
mod_js (you know, the Apache module?)
Oh, and Veracart.
Go tell Microsoft, Sun, and the Apache Foundation how silly it is to use
Javascript on the server side.
Long rant short, there is nothing silly about calling you out on that. I
corrected a misconception that far too many people have about Javascript.
That's my case. I assume after having made such a bold and incredibly
wrong comment in so arrogant a manner you will have a rebuttal.
> You are having a hissy fit here. This is turning into
> an interesting thread, owing, in part, to your efforts
> to prevent it from becoming one.
hehe, this was a non-thread from the moment it started, Dio. It's
off-topic, and hence doesn't really have anything to do with javascript
at all. Posting it in a serious javascript user group like this, you're
lucky every post coming from our side wasn't a flame job. We actually
have real work we like to do here.
> You are not the thought police, you are not the government.
Ok, and your gift for relevance got delivered next door.
> You have to lighten up son. I can say that because I'm old
> enough to be your father. ;-)
Do I know you? You don't have a real email address, or a real name, and
now you seem to have grown some kind of weird father fetish for me. I'm
cute, but damn.
Careful you don't break a hip.
anthony at my pet programmer dot com
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