Posted by Michael Fesser on 01/10/08 12:16
>On 10 Jan, 12:32, Michael Fesser <neti...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> .oO(Karl)
>> >Is it because of the way I query the database?
>> We don't know how you query the database since you didn't post any
>> query. But if you use PASSWORD() to store the passwords, then of course
>> you also have to call PASSWORD() when you compare the user-submitted PW
>> with the stored one.
>Yes, i think that. But how do I build a query that call PASSWORD()?
FROM yourAuthTable
WHERE username = '$username'
AND password = PASSWORD('$password')
where $username and $password contain the validated and sanitized values
(see mysql_real_escape_string()) from the form on your HTML page.
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