Posted by Fred Atkinson on 01/13/08 23:06
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 20:29:20 +0100, thib´ <thyb0@coralsnake-team.com>
>Fred Atkinson wrote:
>> I've looked at php.net and am not able to find this one.
>> What is the function that will return the number of files in a
>> subdirectory?
>> Regards,
>> Fred
>Just try this one:
>function countfiles($dir) {
> if( $handle = opendir($dir) ) {
> $c = 0;
> while( $file = readdir($handle) )
> if( !preg_match('/\.\.?/', $file) ) $c++;
> return $c;
> } else return false;
>This should make it; you can of course change de regexp filter or use
>different methods (this one only avoids counting '.' and '..')
>Call example:
>Number of files in subdir 'dir/subdir/' is <?php echo
>countfiles('dir/subdir/') or '[warning: unable to open dir]'; ?>
I've tried this script. No matter how many files are in the
directory, it says that there is only one file. The directory I used
should have returned thirteen as a value.
I tried making the path '.' so it would count the files in the
same directory it was in. But it again said it there was only one
when there was also thirteen files in that directory.
Here is how I coded the call:
echo countfiles('.') or '[warning: unable to open dir]';
I copied it from your post. The only alterations I made were
to make it three lines and change the directory location.
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