Posted by Jonas Werres on 01/14/08 09:59
What the hell is going on here!?!
Anyway... This happens, when register_globals
(http://de.php.net/register_globals) is active (see first comment), which
is also a sure sign, that you should really change your hoster because of
At least, you should manually turn it of either using .htaccess or ini_set()
(latter one might not work, because GPC variables are registered before
ini_set() is executed. I'm too lazy to consult the manual, do it yourself)
Note, that this will force you to use the $_POST/$_GET/$_REQUEST arrays,
although you should REALLY do that any.
Kurda Yon wrote:
> Hi,
> As you have recommended I did not use the session_register(). In one
> file I have executed such line:
> $_session['ex'] = 2.0;
> Then, in another file, I have executed the following line:
> $ex = 3.0.
> And than I have noticed that the previous assignment is seen
> everywhere (on other pages). So, as far as I understood, after the
> usage of $_session['ex'] = 2.0, the $ex variable becomes a session
> variable. Moreover, $ex and
> $_session['ex'] variables are the same variable! In other words, I
> have to call $_session['ex'] just the first time. After I did it once
> I can use just $ex (instead of $_session['ex']). Is that true?
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