Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/14/08 12:34
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Baho Utot wrote:
>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> [putolin]
>>>> The last major power outage her was over 5 days.
>>> Well even in Philippines we don't get that kind of outage....well
>>> unless a
>>> typhoon comes thru. But I was really talking about my "personal data
>>> center" in the USA.
>> It happened all over the D.C. area here when Hurricane Isabelle came
>> through a few years ago. We were lucky. Some were out for seven days.
> We had a load of lines down for three days, but then so did half the
> country, and a surprising number of websites went out as well. But we
> find that people thinking about e.g. interior design, tend to do it much
> less, when they are cooking on camping stoves by candle light.
Interestingly enough, we have a lot of websites in the area - a couple
of major data centers in the Reston, Va. area, for instance. And none
of them went down. Sure, they lost power. And at least one lost part
of their communications link. But none of their sites were down.
>>>> And even if your UPS handles the power - what about your communications
>>>> link?
>>> It is on the UPS as all the networking stuff. I the past 3 years my
>>> USA "personal data center" has been down at least 0 hours and the uptime
>>> has been 100%. :)
>>> So much for 5 nines. :)
>> And you control the ONE communications line, also? I doubt it. Even
>> here, we get cable outages of 2-3 hours at least a couple of times a
>> year.
> Its not MY fault you live in a third world country with dodgy
> infrastructure. Since I have been on broadband, I have had one time a
> lorry snapped the phone cable, one time for about 1/2 day when the ATM
> backhaul went into overload due to kit failure, and one time when the
> radius servers were flaky for a day.
Bullshit. Single lines go down all the time. Work needs to be done on
the cable, for instance. Or an amplifier goes out. Or a car hits a pole..
> Most of the commercial sites I frequent, have more frequent and longer
> outages than that.
It's not MY fault the sites you visit are in a third world country with
dodgy infrastructure. My customers' sites are hosted by reliable
companies in datacenters with reliable backup.
> My WORST outage was down to a brownout situation that tripped the
> circuits here while I was out. The server was down overnight. I forgot
> to reboot it when we got power back on. No one complained.
Sorry to hear no one noticed. I just took down a server Friday to
update some software. It took less than 5 minutes, but before I
finished, they were on the phone asking why the system was down.
>> Sounds like you've been lucky to not have any outages in five years.
>> It is not the norm. Communications outages happen all of the time.
>> That's why major data centers have redundant links through different
>> providers.
> I think its more that you have been, if not unlucky, unfortunate to live
> somewhere where the local infrastructure is basically third world.
I have never lived anywhere that you don't get occasional outages.
Nothing is 100% reliable. Too bad you don't notice.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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