Posted by Ivan Marsh on 11/11/88 12:00
On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 20:07:29 +0100, Richard wrote:
> "Daniel Klein" <danielk@featherbrain.net> wrote in message
> news:ts0qo3p6i33dh14e9aoookeldba13g1g3h@4ax.com...
>> I'm pretty new at php and web stuff so please be gentle with me.
>> I'm trying to get a form to submit when the user presses the Enter
>> key. I do not want to use javascript. I've googled this to death and
>> cant find the answer (only hints), except on the 'Experts Exhange'
>> page and you have to pay to get the answer :-(
>> Why is this such a secret in the open source world we live in?
>> Daniel Klein
> Hi,
> If you have a form with a submit button, then ENTER will submit the
> form as far as I know.
> Not sure about all OS-en or browsers BTW.
I'd tend to agree with that... I use a function that prevents it from
doing so.
Experts Exchange is one of the sites in my blacklist... never trust a
technical site whose domain is pronounced "expert sexchange".
I told you this was going to happen.
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