Posted by thib΄ on 10/05/12 12:00
Daniel Ennis wrote:
> wrote:
>> On Jan 15, 1:50 pm, wrote:
>>> I m getting this error while uploading an image through form
>>> copy(http://localhost/madame/uploads/alt/medium/zoom.gif)
>>> [function.copy]: failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support
>>> writeable connections. in C:\webserver\www\madame\classes\product.php
>>> on line 226
>>> can any one please help me
>> aa
> is that the line of code? where are you copying it too?
> your trying to copy zoom.gif from http to local file right? (im taking
> it the future version of this code will be a different url...)
> Kinda need to paste us the code and what your trying to do.
Use more explicit subject and do RTFM. I'm absolutely sure your question
will be answered there.
PS: quote your strings, hu.
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