Posted by yawnmoth on 10/05/41 12:00
On Jan 15, 1:38 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> yawnmoth wrote:
> > On Jan 15, 8:07 am, Captain Paralytic <paul_laut...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> On 15 Jan, 13:49, yawnmoth <terra1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>> On Jan 15, 2:30 am, "Paul Lautman" <paul.laut...@btinternet.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> yawnmoth wrote:
> >>>>> On Jan 14, 5:08 pm, "Paul Lautman" <paul.laut...@btinternet.com>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>> yawnmoth wrote:
> >>>>>>> I'm trying to write a script that'll let me upload a *.xls file
> >>>>>>> and am having some difficulties. Here are the contents of $_FILE:
> >>>>>>> Array
> >>>>>>> (
> >>>>>>> [filename] => Array
> >>>>>>> (
> >>>>>>> [name] => filename.xls
> >>>>>>> [type] =>
> >>>>>>> [tmp_name] =>
> >>>>>>> [error] => 2
> >>>>>>> [size] => 0
> >>>>>>> )
> >>>>>>> )
> >>>>>>> As you can observe, there's no tmp_name set and error is set to 2.
> >>>>>>> What does this mean? How can I fix it? There doesn't seem to be a
> >>>>>>> whole lot of documentation on it on php.net:
> >>>>>>>http://us3.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.php#reserved.variable...
> >>>>>>> Thanks!
> >>>>>>> Array ( [filename] => Array ( [name] => filename.xls [type] =>
> >>>>>>> [tmp_name] => [error] => 2 [size] => 0 ) )
> >>>>>> I went to google and typed
> >>>>>> php file upload errors
> >>>>>> and clicked "I'm Feeling Lucky" and was taken straight to a page of
> >>>>>> the manual with a link right at the top entitled "Error Messages
> >>>>>> Explained" Was that really beyond you?
> >>>>> Apparently it's beyond you. April 17, 2006:
> >>>>>http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.php/msg/0fa08f908c9ec331?dmo...
> >>>>> I went to google and typed "short open tag php" and clicked "I'm
> >>>>> Feeling Lucky" and was taken straight to the appropriate page. Was
> >>>>> that really beyond you?
> >>>> That required one to know that the <? was called a short open tag.
> >>>> I simply picked words that you had already used in your post!
> >>> But I used so many words in my post. When I type "php file upload
> >>> tmp_name" into Google (without the double quotes) and click "I'm
> >>> feeling lucky" the result I get isn't really all that helpful at all.
> >>> With regard to <? and <?php... one's short and one's long. Seems
> >>> obvious to me.
> >> Your question was about the value of the error field. You said it was
> >> set to 2 and you asked "what does this mean".
> >> It seems far more obvious to me to put 'php file upload errors' into
> >> Google than it would to put 'php file upload tmp_name' in there or to
> >> decide that the name of <? is "short open tag" which, had I knon what
> >> it was called, I both cold and would have looked up.
> > therein lies the problem. what's obvious to one person isn't always
> > obvious to someone else. "php file upload errors" seems obvious to
> > you. in hindsight, it seems obvious to me, as well. problem is, in
> > hindsight, everything seems obvious, per the availability heuristic.
> >> You are just reinforcing the view that you will always be one who has
> >> to ask for help as you cannot think clearly enough to help yourself.
> > so long as i do overcome the problems i encounter, what does it matter
> > what your view is?
> It will matter a lot the next time you come here looking for help.
fair point. although i still think Paul Lautman and Captain Paralytic
are being unnecessarily condescending and if i get added to their
killfile's, it's just as well. if the cost of getting their
assistance is to put up with their "you're an idiot" comments...
well, it's assistance i'm more then willing to do without.
besides, what happens if i have another question? i'd rather not have
to be afraid, every time i post, that i'm going to be called out for
being an idiot. that attitude might cost me the help of a few select
individuals, but being denied the help of those few individuals is
certainly preferable to being too afraid to ask questions in the first
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