Posted by Richard on 10/07/42 12:00
"Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
> "Richard" <root@localhost> wrote in message
> news:478d4655$0$23100$dbd4b001@news.euronet.nl...
>> "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
>> news:_kbjj.57$Kv6.33@newsfe06.lga...
>>> "Richard" <root@localhost> wrote in message
>>> news:478d3ed6$0$60803$dbd45001@news.euronet.nl...
>>>> "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:C7bjj.50$Kv6.45@newsfe06.lga...
>>>>> "Richard" <root@localhost> wrote in message
>>>>> news:478d05bc$0$68770$dbd4f001@news.euronet.nl...
>>>>>> "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:w%5jj.32$GW7.17@newsfe05.lga...
>>>>>>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:V6OdnerEB7vgABHanZ2dnUVZ_oHinZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>>>>>> kamarajbca@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>> dear sir,
>>>>>>>>> Now I am doing the task that the index page
>>>>>>>>> contains the US
>>>>>>>>> states Map.When i am pressing on the particular state that
>>>>>>>>> state map
>>>>>>>>> will be open.I create the link to states using with
>>>>>>>>> Microsoft
>>>>>>>>> Frontpage.Now my problem is when i am clicking the county on
>>>>>>>>> the state
>>>>>>>>> map that particular county will be opened.There are 50
>>>>>>>>> states in us
>>>>>>>>> how should i create the link to county on the state map.
>>>>>>>>> Please give me the coding for this in php.
>>>>>>>>> Thank You.
>>>>>>>>> by,
>>>>>>>>> kamaraj.
>>>>>>>> This is all client-side. No PHP need be involved.
>>>>>>> wow. isn't forcing the user to enable scripting in their
>>>>>>> browser your argument in *every* 'discussion' you have with
>>>>>>> OMH? are you now saying it's ok? take your own advice, it
>>>>>>> needs a purely non-scripted counterpart or it's shit.
>>>>>>> all the guy needs is a us map that he can use the height and
>>>>>>> width thereof to 'tell' what state, even county, the user
>>>>>>> clicked (as submitted x/y). server-side, he gets x/y, and uses
>>>>>>> a coordinate boundry array to define the states...when x/y in
>>>>>>> a boundry, we have a known location.
>>>>>>> to answer his specific question, all he needs to do is submit
>>>>>>> the map image to the server when clicked...no specific
>>>>>>> client-side links need to exist at all. and thus, the
>>>>>>> alternative to client-side scripting. :)
>>>>>> Client side image map?
>>>>> you are essentially providing a form with an image that, when
>>>>> submitted to php, the x and y coords. are available to you, the
>>>>> developer. use that info to generate the appropriate web page
>>>>> back to the user from there...no client-side scripting involved.
>>>> An image map is not scripted.
>>>> Its just... an image with links for certain areas.
>>> understood, but you'll find you're having to generate loads of
>>> links where 90% where never be used. that effects load times.
>> LOL!
>> Then which of the 50 states of the US should be left out?
> from what i skimmed of the op, he's talking about zooming in from
> the globe, to a country, to a state, to a county, to a city. the
> number of links grows in large multiples the more you zoom in. :)
> can you tell me how many counties there are in the us? how many
> cities? lots o' links?
He asked:
>> how should i create the link to county on the state map.
My answer:
By hand.
You mean:
Get all the county border data in the US as lists of connected
lat/long pairs, put it in a db, find some algorithm that maps a
clicked coordinate of an image into a latitude/longitude pair, try to
find that position in the db and return the county name?
Probably someone has done this before, but it wasnt me.
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