Posted by Ratfish on 09/28/47 12:00
On Jan 16, 12:09 am, Marlin Forbes <"marlinf <AT> datashaman <POINT>
> Ratfish wrote:
> > root user record to establish a connection. I'm essentially opening a
> > connection at the top of the php page and then calling multiple stored
> > procedures to fetch data. When I call the 2nd stored procedure I'm
> > getting the error. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
> Hi Ratfish,
> I think you must free the resultsets from the stored procedures before
> opening another one. Look at mysql_free_result if you're using the mysql
> extension, or mysqli_stmt_free_result if using the mysqli extension.
> Regards,
> Marlin Forbes
> Data Shaman
> datashaman.com
Thanks. I tried adding a call to free_result() before calling
close(), but that did not fix my problem. Any other ideas?
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