Posted by adwatson on 10/16/08 12:00
Heheh... Here's a couple to try:
Both have sub-forums that may be of interest!
www.NEXCESS.NET - Shared/Reseller Hosting
www.EliteRax.com - Dedicated Servers, Server Clusters
www.MaxVPS.com - Virtual Private Servers
- Great prices, Great service - check us out!
On Jan 16, 2:50 pm, dorayme <doraymeRidT...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> In article <HMojj.8937$6F6.4185@trndny09>,
> Leupi <le...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Is there a decent Web based HTML forum that you guys would recommend?
> > Something along the lines of linuxquestions.org or ubuntuforums.org. I
> > tend to like the structure of them over newsgroups. Any thoughts?
> How dare you! How absolutely dare you! Would you drive into a
> garage and get out of your car and ask the staff where you might
> get petrol elsewhere? You will stay here young man and goddamn
> learn and take your medicine.
> --
> dorayme
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