Posted by Gaston Verhulst on 09/28/88 12:00
I'm working in FC8 and I like to use MySQL with PHP.
I have installed:
[gastonv@telenetPC ~]$ yum list installed | grep php
php.i386 5.2.4-3 installed
php-cli.i386 5.2.4-3 installed
php-common.i386 5.2.4-3 installed
[gastonv@telenetPC ~]$ yum list installed | grep mysql
mysql.i386 5.0.45-6.fc8 installed
mysql-libs.i386 5.0.45-6.fc8 installed
mysql-server.i386 5.0.45-6.fc8 installed
I can run separately PHP and MySQL, but not together.
For that, I have to do first:
[gastonv@telenetPC ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start
Starten van MySQL: [ OK ]
[gastonv@telenetPC ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd start
Starten van httpd:
And then I can start MySQL:
[gastonv@telenetPC Mysql]$ mysql -u gastonv -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6
Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
| Database |
| information_schema |
| test |
2 rows in set (0.06 sec)
mysql> exit
To test working together, I have done 2 tests:
1. Testing PHP with test.php with the command phpinfo():
My working directory:
[gastonv@telenetPC public_html]$ ls mysql_up.php
[gastonv@telenetPC ~]$ firefox http://localhost/~gastonv/test.php
It shows a table with PHP Information:
PHP Version 5.2.4
Here, I have to see a Section for MySQL, indicating that MySQL support
is On.
But I don't see that section.
2. Testing MySQL with a well known program called mysql_up.php.
My working directorie for MySQL:
[gastonv@telenetPC public_html]$ firefox
The result should be a table with a long list of variable names and values.
And I read, if no error or warning messages are displayed, MySQL is
working fine.
But Firefox opens a blanco empty white window with the correct title,
and doesn't show any error message.
Please, is this correct, or do I have to configure more?
Thanks in advance for helping tips,
Gaston Verhulst.
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