Posted by Steph on 10/12/27 12:01
"cwdjrxyz" <spamtrap2@cwdjr.info> a ιcrit dans le message de news:
> On Jan 17, 1:24 pm, "Steph" <mcv...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a flash file (accueil.swf) that calls an mp3 file (the_song.mp3)
>> to
>> load a song when the swf animation is launched.
>> Both files are stored on the same root directory (in my PC and onto the
>> web
>> server).
>> When i click directly on the swf file right on the directory from my PC,
>> the
>> animation works and the song is correctly loaded (we hear the song).
>> When i launch from my web server the script below that is supposed to do
>> the
>> same thing, the animation works but the song is not loaded (so no song is
>> launched).
>> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
>> codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#v..."
>> width="170" height="240">
>> <param name="movie" value="accueil.swf">
>> <param name="quality" value="high">
>> <embed src="accueil.swf" quality="high"
>> pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"
>> type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="240"></embed>
>> </object>
>> Can someone explain me why ?
> I would not use the swf file to call the song if I wanted it to play
> every time the flash file is called. Rather I would make the song an
> audio part of a flv for a flv/swf. When you encode the flash, you can
> select both a video file to encode for flash and a mp3 file to be
> encoded as the audio part of the flv. If the video file already has
> audio, you can select to replace it with another audio file. Don't
> forget that the flv is the media part (audio/video) and and the swf is
> only the player container for the flash, and it is of small byte size
> compared to the flv.. You only link to the swf in the html code.
> However, either on your computer on your server. both the flv file and
> the container swf file should be in the same directory. When you
> encode it usually is assumed that both files will be used in the same
> directory. When you call for the swf container, it automatically looks
> for the flv file in the same directory and downloads it to the
> temporary cache of the browser. You can encode to start downloading
> the flv at once or only when you use a start button on the swf player
> container you encode.
I'm not an expert on flv file. So i'm not sure to have well understood your
Is it possible to provide me with an example so that i can more precisely
understand ?
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