Posted by adwatson on 10/17/95 12:01
Well, the tricky part is that you'll need to decide what text to grab
and show from the file - which is why there's a meta description tag
for the purpose. I believe google grabs the text surrounding a search
term and displays that if there's no meta description tag to use - so
if you're actually searching for a term you could do something like
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On Jan 17, 3:48 pm, solk <rikibl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am looking for a way to read html file and create
> a short summary (like that shows in google results for example)
> which ought to be the first few lines of welcome text or so.
> Does any got any idea on how to do this? (I searched allot,
> but all I found was simply extracting meta tags).
> Thanks
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